Chapter 4 - Dev Note 1

Hello everyone, here is a breakdown if what you can expect in chapter 4.

This chapter is a bit smaller compared to others but a big reveal happens in this chapter. I finished scene planning on Monday and started setting scenes up yesterday,

There will only be 116 images which makes it the smallest chapter so far, there will be 19 scenes in total and just 1 sex scene, although there are 2 nude scenes as well. The 19 planned scenes equal 23 pages of the screenplay for season 1, which will bring the total to 102 pages out of the 296-page screenplay.

As always, will keep you updated when I have something to update you with, for the moment, below is where we at. Remember to check my website out, as I do update there before posting dev notes here.

  • Written Scenes: 100%
  • Scene Planning: 100%
  • Setup Scenes Stage 1: 0%
  • Setup Scenes Stage 2: 0%
  • Rendered Scenes: 0%

P.S just a heads up but at some point, I'm going to have to write season 2 screenplay, as will need that done before I finish season 1 but we still have plenty of time before doing that I think. However, at some point, going to break away from making season 1 to do that. In future, look for "story notes" regarding that. 

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