Chapter 2 - Dev Note 5

Something I have come to realize that development is always going be slower than I would like, really would prefer to have released chapter 2 by now but I have to accept this is not an easy or quick thing to do by yourself (well maybe someday I will lol).

In future, these dev notes will be more accurate, I obviously started dev notes for chapter 2 sooner than I should have, this dev note should have been the first one, we live and learn.

You can check on my website for process being made on next chapter in development via this link.

Season 1 is already fully written, so written scenes is complete for all chapters.

Can see I've finished the Scene Planning and Setup Scenes Stage 1.

Setup Scenes Stage 1 and Render Scenes is going be the stages that take the longest am sure but I'm still fine tuning how I develop each update, I figure I'm always going be fine tuning and trying to find ways to speed up development.

Most stages are self-explanatory but Setup Scenes Stage 1 is "the first time setup of a location plus models in each file/image needed for a scene",  Setup Scenes Stage 2 is me reloading a scene file back up and just double-checking everything is fine, also deleting some items that are not needed but was needed in the overall scene. 

I do think releases will become quicker over time as it still early days and am still fine-tuning, for an example I found that doing 100% of each stage is possible not the best idea, it gets repetitive working on same thing every day and more days you working on same thing, the more it drags and hard to motivate yourself. So from here on out, most likely not going do full 100% of a stage in one go, I will do a smaller percent of each stage and then move on to next stage.

Chapter 2 Content

  • 118 total images 
  • 15 scenes in total
  • 33 pages of screenplay (1 page=1 minute but might be 30 seconds for Visual Novels - feedback welcome)

Don't want to say when it be released yet but am potentially looking at end of this month

Get A Town Called Tool

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